
Live Life to the Fullest

Hello Again! I decided I would start this bad boy up again even though it's been what, three years since my last post? What can I say? I'm tired of using the good ol' pen and paper method and thoroughly enjoy writing so figured I'd start this up again and make a post every week. So, you may be wondering what's new in my life?

Well... I have these two amazing little maltipoos (Kali and Moe) even though I'm pretty sure Kali is a yorkipoo and the pet store sold us the wrong breed! Yes, I was one of 'those' people that bought a puppy from a pet store! To this day, I still feel bad about not adopting an animal from a shelter since there are so many out there that need loving homes. But if you knew me from when I was younger, then you'd know I never thought I'd have ANY animals. I used to constantly tell my parents I would NEVER EVER EVER have any animals! At the time, I couldn't understand why I had to take care of something I clearly never wanted.  I hated taking them for walks, cleaning up their poop, etc. Now, my two little dogs have me wrapped around the finger! They bring me so much joy and love! It's crazy how an animal can truly love you unconditionally.

Speaking of love, I got married five months ago to an amazing person! I've honestly never met anyone in my life that is as supporting as he is! We are alike in many ways but then completely different in other ways so he complements me pretty well. He is the person I mentioned in my post three years ago that I was dating at the time! Who knew we'd end up staying together and married! It's crazy how life works out! 

Let's see.. I no longer live in Missouri and have been living in San Diego for less than two years! And I must say San Diego is probably the prettiest city in the whole U.S! It reminds me a lot of Hawaii but you can drive a couple hours away to get snow (if you want it)! I'm not sure what my living arrangements entail for the future though. I've recently been reading other peoples blogs and it's been truly inspiring for me! I used to have a dream of owning a beautiful home but now I want to do more living! I don't want to be tied down to one particular place.

As most of you know, I've always led my life down the straight an narrow. I went to a private university straight out of high school. I graduated HS and college with honors! I took 18 hour credits/semester my sophomore and junior year and received a 4.0 GPA. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after college so instead of graduating a year early I stayed with the traditional four year path.  I got a pretty good job right out of college. I did one interview while in college and was told I had the job so I didn't apply anywhere else. I paid off all of my college loans ($33k + interest) in 2.5 years. I have four car payments left before my car is officially paid off (which I bought brand new). I can count on one hand the number of times I didn't follow down the straight and narrow path. I've always done exactly what was expected of me. Maybe that's the curse of the first born? I don't know. What I do know is I'm not living this life to the fullest. I don't want to just sleep, work, rinse, repeat. I want to start living and traveling to see the world. I don't want to wait until "I retire" to go out and explore. There's so much to see and do! No one is guaranteed they'll be here tomorrow or the next day. We don't know when our time will be up but I do know that I don't want to settle! I don't want anything that'll tie me down to one spot. I don't want to follow what is perceived as the 'American dream'. Shoot, we are the only developed country that doesn't require an employer to pay one day of vacation! Isn't that crazy? Most countries have a minimum of 4 weeks! Yup, that's right... 4 weeks!! For now, I'll leave you with this.

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience" - Eleanor Roosevelt

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