
I choose to be happy!

So, here I am writing another post...

I've been getting a bunch of feedback from friends/family/etc. about my ex who I wrote about in this exact blog three years ago who just recently got engaged. I'm writing this because I want to put this out there for everyone to see...

I can honestly say I am extremely happy for him! I have no ill-will towards him or her. He was my best friend before we started dating and even though we don't talk anymore and it's sad (actually really sad) that I also lost a best friend in the process, I'm happy that he was able to find the one he thought was right for him.

The truth is, I wasn't what he wanted and we broke up. Obviously, if you read my first post (which most of you have) you'll know he completely broke me as a person. But through all my chaos I found a guy that has stood by me through everything. I never lied to him about my feelings and I told him multiple times that I wouldn't even date me if I was in his shoes! Yet, he stayed by my side and put all my broken pieces back together!

I've really never met someone as determined, smart, loving, and passionate as my wonderful husband, Zack!

When he proposed, it was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me! He first caught me off guard when he randomly mentioned he wanted us to go horseback riding. Most of you probably don't know this, but the first time we went horseback riding (Zack's first time ever) he was in so much pain towards the end and all the way in the car! We later found out he had a hernia and needed surgery! So hearing him say he wanted to go horseback riding again (especially after the first time was such a nightmare) caused my inner red flags to raise and get suspicious! However, I told myself maybe he just wants a redo since the first time was so bad!

Anyways... we went horseback riding at Wilson's Creek in Temecula. It was absolutely gorgeous and relaxing. I felt like I was in a different country! However, Zack planned a 2 hour horse ride. For someone that doesn't ride horses very often... riding for 2 hours straight causes your legs and butt to hurt! A LOT!!! So, to put it lightly, I was wanting off the dang horse towards the end! I actually almost ruined Zack's engagement surprise because I was really starting to feel it! But being the good girl that I am, I sucked it up and didn't ruin his surprise (now if we would've rode for another 5-10 minutes then that would've been a completely different story).

When we finally came to the entrance of the winery, I saw the manager taking photos of Zack and I. I remember thinking that's the weirdest thing EVER! Who does that, right? But then I thought more about it and was like OMG.. she's a genius! Everyone wants photos of themselves riding a horse (or doing w/e) and if you're like me, you hate always having to go up to people to ask them to take your photo! What I didn't know was she was capturing photos for us because Zack was going to propose (sneaky, sneaky). So when we finally got off the horses, I needed to use the restroom ASAP (which worked in Zack's favor). The manager said Zack was going to go setup and she'd take me to use the restroom. Instantly, an alarm went off and I was like, "setup? What would he need to setup? OMG.. he's going to propose! What do I say? How do I look?" You know all that internal dialog going on in your head and then trying to calm yourself down because you tell yourself he's NOT going to propose! How can you draw that conclusion when he hasn't given you that impression AT ALL! I

I told myself, knowing Zack, he probably just planned a romantic dinner with a chef or something. So after I got out of the restroom, the manager told me to walk down the path and I'd find Zack. I started walking and there were steps that went over this creek with tons of flowers. It truly was gorgeous!! Then I see this photographer hiding in the bushes taking photos of me. I'm like what the heck is going on? I start walking down the stairs and see Zack standing there with three dozen roses in a vase behind him, a path of rose petals and candles leading up to where he is, and I hear the song 'One Step Closer' that's played in the Twilight movies. Instantly, I start crying and I stop walking! I'm staring at Zack literally moving at a snails pace! I see him smiling and teary eyed! I eventually make my way over to Zack and he gets down on one knee! It seriously was the perfect scene out of a movie! He tells me a bunch of sweet things (most I don't remember because it all seemed so surreal) and asked me to marry him. He later told me he was worried that he had made a mistake because I stopped walking and took FOREVER to reach him. Of course, I said yes and we celebrated with Almond Champagne (which the winery was known for), edible arrangements chocolates, photos, etc.! It is one of the happiest days of my life and a memory I will cherish forever.

Now tell me, why would I be worried about my ex getting engaged? By him not wanting to be with me, I ended up finding the sweetest, kindest, thoughtful guy around who thinks the absolute WORLD of me!!

I'll leave you with this...

"It's not about having the perfect  relationship. It's about finding someone who will be there through everything without giving up"

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